Partner Case Study:
Weller Mae is a HR services firm based in London that offers a range of personalised HR support for small and medium-sized businesses.
Founder and director Claire Powell wanted to expand on the services Weller Mae offers and found myhrtoolkit to be the perfect fit.
"Beyond giving HR advice, I can also provide businesses with a HR tool that really benefits them.”
“It’s a very visual piece of software that’s also very easy to use, so it tends to appeal to clients straightaway. I rarely need to give clients in-depth training on how to use the software because they simply get on and use it!”
“The holiday feature is hugely popular. People are often at the stage where they’re using Google Docs and Calendars to sort out holidays but it’s becoming unmanageable. If a client asks me if I have an Excel spreadsheet to help them, this is a good point to mention myhrtoolkit!”
“I really like the reporting feature on myhrtoolkit because you can easily export reports into Excel and format them in the way you want to.”
“I would definitely recommend myhrtoolkit to other consultants! In comparison to other systems, which can be overly complex and involved to set up, myhrtoolkit is a fantastic option for SMEs.”
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Unit 18 Jessops Riverside, 800 Brightside Lane, Sheffield S9 2RX