Knowledge base
Guides, "how-to"s, and manuals to help you make the most of your myhrtoolkit.
See the menus on the right for subject pages, or use search box.
At myhrtoolkit, we are committed to helping you make the most of your system.
In addition to "in-app" help, to aid you in finding your way around we also provide...
Guides, "how-to"s, and manuals to help you make the most of your myhrtoolkit.
See the menus on the right for subject pages, or use search box.
For more in depth assistance, contact our service desk by emailing us at
To help you learn about myhrtoolkit, keep an eye out for any webinars we're hosting
We run Topical webinars addressing common topics in HR
There are also saved Training webinars on specific subjects with in myhrtoolkit, such as Holidays, Absence, Document Management, etc.
There is also a dedicated Security Portal which provides links to a variety of pages relating to advice on security within myhrtoolkit
© 2021 myhrtoolkit Limited, HR software on demand. All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by respective owners.
Unit 18 Jessops Riverside, 800 Brightside Lane, Sheffield S9 2RX